A loss of the skin's vitality - that the skin looks and feels tired, is every woman's' first indicator that she needs to begin an anti aging skin care regimen. Does your skin show the signs of physical weariness even after the rejuvenating benefits of a great nights slumber? The boost a woman's' aging skin needs can be found in niche, high-end luxury products, not on the shelves of mass market distributors!
The leading significant difference in high end products is the ability to formulate ingredients in a way that achieves maximum results, with minimal side effect without the use of dermatologist!
The one measure you can make tonight to achieve a truly glowing affect on your skin tomorrow is the chemical peel, anti aging moisturizer and serum. Do not make the mistake of choosing a mass market, less expensive brand over a higher end product because they both promise to deliver the same result.
In the case of anti aging peels and serums, you must look at the label with scrutiny. Mass market brands, high-end brands and dermatological brands use AHA's, alpha hyroxy acids, as a natural agent for peeling away the layers of dermis.
What will amaze you about how mass market brands are marketed is that rarely will you ever see a concentration of ingredient content ever exposed on its label. In the case if AHA's (a leading ingredient in nearly all ant aging product) you will never see a concentration of AHA's above 5%. The liability of high concentration to irritating the skin of a mass market consumer is too great.